In today's society people view beauty as being one sided. Never looking outside the box or going beyond the barriers of what "beauty" is suppose to be. In my opinion BEAUTY does not stop at the surface, it is inside AND out. Beauty can be perceived in soo many ways; skin tone, height, hair lenght, teeth size and shape, and most of all body appearance. But does any of us ever look past that ? Do we see beyond the flaws that in

all should be embraced and flaunted rather than ridiculed and looked down upon ? I LOVE my flaws, my legs are drowned in freckles and I'm below average height. My hands are smaller than most cellphones and my feet are the size of my tv remote and I LOVE ALL OF IT :) Flaws are what make you stand out in a crowd and differentiate you from everyone else. Originality and Individuality are words that go hand and hand with FLAWS. It's nothing to be ashamed of and it's nothing to be embarrassed of. FLAWS are what uniquely make us who we are. So the next time someone points something that is idealy supposed to be "wrong" about you, tell them thank you for recognizing something different in you that they do not see in themselves . . <3