Ever wanted something soo bad you'd do just about anything to get it? My desire to be a fashion journalist has only reached the beginning of its peak. It's almost turned into a desperate obsession. I'm in love with the art of journalism. Everything about it, the pattern of forming words together, or the anticipation received from interviewing someone. People say my chances are one in a million, but that's a chance I'm willing to take. Even willing to fail in attempt to reaching my goal, but I'll NEVER stop. My name WILL be on the staff list of Teen Vogue, Vogue, or Elle Magazine. Some people dream and wait for something to happen, I dream and create my destiny. I wont be in the shadow and allow someone else to live the life that was destined for me. I'm not saying it will be easy, I'm not even saying it will happen anytime soon. But it WILL happen.
An Obsessed Jorunalist <3>
An Obsessed Jorunalist <3>