Day after day we're constantly given the chance to make good and/or bad decisions. Some of us choose what we believe is right, while other choose what's wrong on purpose. Flipping the coin of life, sometimes we get heads and other times we get tails. When people aim for tails, it can be assumed they want attention. More than likely they want POSITIVE attention from NEGATIVE actions. What comes off as entertaining to some, hurts others. Imaturity is the leading cause in bad decision making. Some of us aren't mature enough to understand that getting a quick laugh out of our peers can come with grave consequences. People often don't think outside of their shallow box, their thoughts don't get much deeper than "Maybe if I make this joke or maybe if I pretend to be tough people will think Im cool?" That's all people want; acceptance. But WHY ?! Why is the acceptance of others soo important? You're that ashamed of who you are that you have to manipulate a Lie that you call "life" in order to feel comfortable? Insecurities roam that deep in your soul, that the clothes you buy and the $200 dollar shoes you were so pressed to get, cant hide who YOU are so stop trying. Let people see you for who you really are. You're not this person that's a "player" nor the type to fail classes, so WHY are you portraying actions that don't match your personality? The people you're soo keen on impressing will eventually fade away. You see, as jokes get old so do we. The same ol' "LOL" moments you once use to share with the "cool" ppl eventually aren't funny anymore. So then where does that leave you? Ask yourself, how do you want to be remembered..as the follow or the leader?
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