Little jokes and slurs were said here and there. But it went unnoticed. It was soo common for an argument to occur that the odds of getting along were actually unlikely. But WE went through it, and dealt with what we at least thought was "normal." Night after night and day after day shots were fired, new shots were more effective than the last. We "loved" one another and "hated" one another at the same time. What WE had, we couldn't even explain so it was definitely hard for someone looking in to try and figure out. Shots were fired back and forth, I left and came back hard.. but little did I knw how tht last blow was going to end our communication forever. Anybody can say what they want, pointing fingers and angling blame. But we were BOTH wrong. There was no person more right, than the other. BOTH parties were equally at fault. Some may perceive some words more hurtful than others, and more actions extreme than traditional methods of dealing with anger and grief. After all this time, did we know how firing these "shots" were going to eventually add up? That each laugh, signaled a sound off to be meaner the next time. NO one can say anything right now tht can describe how each of us feels. I knew what I said was wrong, but It felt sooo right. For you to feel how you made me feel seemed too good to be true. So i struck with one last "shot" But tht last shot was a blow tht neither one of us was prepared for. You didn't know how your last "shot" to me was going to effect me, but you said it anyway. Only time will tell if we ever do talk again . People can say all they want, and voice opinions of what they think is right and wrong. WE probably never thought something tht happened soo often would lead to our downfall . Something soo mediocre would lead to the demise of our friendship and even our "love" something soo tidious as arguing for fun would lead to the end of all our ties . . If we do or don't speak again, guess thts up for destiny to decide. And I realized, I hurt myself by hurting you. Even if you're not regretful or sorry for what you said, I knw I am . . people who "love" one another shouldn't constantly bicker and try to hurt one another on purpose. So maybe this was a sign from God, that although we love one another the pain we inflict is too deep for us to keep hurting one another on the daily basis just to prove a point . . Soo to you, Rasheed . . This is probably the one thing I do regret . . I never thought I could hurt myself soo bad the way I hurt you .
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