Sunday, November 7, 2010

MMX-MMXI Fashion

End of 2010 early 2011 fashion.
Take a look, don't be scared.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Ever wanted something soo bad you'd do just about anything to get it? My desire to be a fashion journalist has only reached the beginning of its peak. It's almost turned into a desperate obsession. I'm in love with the art of journalism. Everything about it, the pattern of forming words together, or the anticipation received from interviewing someone. People say my chances are one in a million, but that's a chance I'm willing to take. Even willing to fail in attempt to reaching my goal, but I'll NEVER stop. My name WILL be on the staff list of Teen Vogue, Vogue, or Elle Magazine. Some people dream and wait for something to happen, I dream and create my destiny. I wont be in the shadow and allow someone else to live the life that was destined for me. I'm not saying it will be easy, I'm not even saying it will happen anytime soon. But it WILL happen.

An Obsessed Jorunalist <3>

Monday, September 13, 2010

Light, Dark, Does it matter?

Being a minority we already have to struggle with the race to keep up with our white counterparts. But does anyone realize the race we have to keep up with ourselves among our own people? Dark Skin Blacks and Light Skin Blacks have been at a constant battle dating back to the slave age. It's said light skin blacks were treated better because their fair skin made them closer to the masters blood which in all gave them better opportunities and better means of life. With light skin blacks having the interpertation that they were better then there other slave peers, an attitude of cockiness and arrogance grew. For years, the wide spread attitude was passed on to generation and generation. The masters continued to favor lighter skin blacks allowing them to live in the same homes as themselves and family even sometimes eating at the dinner table with the family. Darker skin blacks struggling to keep food on the table for large families let alone get any food for themselves began to strike back. And soon an ongoing war between lights and darks were ignited. Ever heard the term "you have good hair?" Well what does tht mean. Your hair is less coarse and easier to comb? Since when was hair that was easy to maintain deemed as "good" hair? Girls go out there way to purchase false hair, varying from 8 inches to 20 inches ! And why? Because they want to be "prettier" but when did having short hair make you ugly? Is it because WHITE people generally have long hair, and in this society that is ran by WHITE people that is what's consider beauty? How dare someone depict beauty off stereotypical assets. I saw the most demeaning tweet about a week ago that said something on the lines "I dont like my girls dark skin, I like them clean skin" If those aren't the exact words, I apologize but that was basically the main idea of the young mans tweet. Since when did having darker skin make you dirty? I dont understand. How can the level of flith be determined by skin complexion ? And the sadder the question is, why did he think it was okay to say that? Has this society done soo much damage to the black community that our young women only think they can be beautiful with a head full of track and makeup that makes you appear lighter? What have we been subjected to and why hasn't anyone broken free of this cycle? More importantly, why am I one of maybe five people who found his comment to be really disturbing. I dont understand. Maybe it's jst me. But I can't conform to society's logic, I dont think tht skin complexion determines someones beauty. I think the character of that persons personality along with a vast list of other things can consider someone beautiful. Light, Dark, Doesn't matter. Think outside the box. DARK is just as BEAUTIFUL or MORE than LIGHT.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Invalid Promises

"You're special" But you said that line to everyone.
"Im making you a promise" Didn't you say that to her?
"You make me happy" So did your ex.
"Ima put you on my blog" Seems like you do tht with everyone.
"Babyyyy, I miss you" You said that to those before me.
"I want you soo bad" But tht was on a photo comment.
"I need you" Like you needed the rest?
"I love you" Now who are you saying tht to since it isn't me?

You said all the lies to me above, and the reason Im calling them lies is because you couldn't of said all the things above to me and numerous people and still mean it. EVERYTHING i said to you was REAL, nothing rehearsed or pre-recorded. It was ALL meant and for YOU. But your broke my trust, I would of said you broke my heart but I never put my all into any male. Just know every word I spoke to you, I never said to different guys. Soo my sincerity to you was always there and can never be question. Soo i hope you had "fun" playing with my emotions because I sure enjoyed being a part of your game..

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Summer Turned Into Fall . .

Trends and Hot Topics of 2010 Fall Fashion can be exemplified in these photographs.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Forgetting Something . . ?

Ever notice the people that you've been there for the longest always treat you the worst? Soo quick to throw temper tantrums and toss you out the window over petty arguments or fights. But yet they fight for the love and affection of those they've jst met ? Does anyone else find it weird or ironic? But that's okayyyyy, and that's fineeee. No longer will I extend my limbs for someone who can't seem to do the same for me. And trusttttt, when you need those who are really down for YOU and they're not there ... Guess you'll realize something eh ?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

C'mon Yo !

Now, I am a strong advocate for loving yourself and your body. I personally have suffered from being poked fun at for not having an overly develop body like my colleagues. And at first, I use to envy girls that had more this and more that than me. But I'm at a stage to where I rlly dont give a fuck about who and what has something to say about MY body. . But that's not what this blog is about, this post is about the INDECENT exposure I along with MILLIONS of other ppl have been subjected to. Now loving your body is one thing but showing everyone on twitter and facebook is something different. People may say "well dont click on my pictures !" I dont . . but when you tag 100+ people in a picture of you in your bra, I have no other choice but to see the picture on my news feed. And when you tweet and your twitcon is a picture of you showing everything but your face, what the hell do you expect ? People are going to see you. But the attention you're grabbing is everything but positive. The flattery and flirty comments may last two or three minutes, but the rep you're setting for yourself is going to last for two or three years. Men dont respect girls who have everything to offer up front. That's obvious. The old phrase "can't turn a hoe into a housewife" is not just for pun lines in jokes. That quote is REAL. What man is going to want to take a girl serious when she's offering mini soft porn pictures for him and ALL his homeboys to see ?

Me NOT You

We were all born in this world, alone . . I mean unless you were a twin. But even then, you are still birthed A L O N E. So why as humans are we soo afraid of isolation or being alone ? The thought that I might be by myself in a few months doesn't bother me. Im use to being alone, and Im perfectly fine with it. I dont need to depend on other people to make me feel as though I have a purpose, nor do I need anyone else to feel "complete." I dont need to run and tell people my feelings or emotions every time they change, and I dont need other people to give me confidence that I can give myself. Now don't get me wrong, compliments here and there are appreciated and can turn an almost stressful day into a reliever. But they are NOT needed. Being by yourself can help you learn more about who you are and what type of person you want to be. From being left alone soo often, I've learned Im not the type of person who needs the approval of others nor do I live my life based on what others "think" is right. My mistakes? My business. I need help, I'll ask. But until then, I dont think I'll mind spending these next few moments alone. I mean what's one more moment really going to do?

Explore the World Around You

Monday, July 26, 2010

School is one bell away !

The color NUDE is going to be bigger than ever this Fall.
From N
UDE nails, shorts, shirts, and other accessories
it's succulent color is proven to be more appealing than ever

this year.

Clash of the Patterns.
Different patterns being worn at same
time can be an eye catcher and the spark
of a conversation. Think outside the box and
clash. Who cares what people have to say.

Now, some may say every trend
is not for everybody. But a BODYSUIT can
be worn by all people of size and shape. They have
bodysuits that can accommodate people from the
smallest to the largest. The sticks to the stones,
soo dont feel self conscious about this old but new
trend. Buy one and wear it with the up most confidence.