Thursday, April 29, 2010

Look Beyond Your View

Nowwwww, we can all admit to being just a tad bit shallow (at least once in our young lives). But does that necessarily make it right? I mean how far should we go to accept perfections rather than flaws? Aren't flaws what makes us all unique in a quirky kind of way? Aren't flaws what makes each individual something more than the next person and the last? I LOVE each and every one of MY FLAWS<3 And I don't care who doesn't . Why should alter myself to be a mirror image of what everyone else sees in the lime light ? I am my OWN person . And I choose to keep it tht way . I have one foot longer than the other, and one eyebrow with a little bit more hair lmao . Does tht stop me from making life changing decisions ? Does tht stop me from being who I am ? Then why is a dependent factor in today's society ? Why does beauty get us sooo much further than brains or even talent ? The answers to my questions probably wont ever come, but im fine with that . Because the satisfaction I get from being an ORIGINAL is soo much more appeasing than being merely a clone of what is seen on television or in the media<3

This one was for Michaela ,
i updated ;)

Monday, April 12, 2010

From me to YOU .

Exxxxclusive Author Bio

Charlieeeee is my writer name.

Im a Sagittarius.

I loveeeeeeeee standing out.

I only have 12 friends, hahaha..wait im serious :O

My foot is the size of the silver comcast remote.

Columbia University is in my future<3

My middle name is a boy name.

I have a beauty mark on my left ring finger.

My ears are EXXXXTREMLY small.

And I loveeee smelling new deodorant, lmao is tht weird?
Ohhhh, Well :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dream Theme

Prom is closely approaching and like you and your friends, thousands of other teenagers of suffering from the same problems. What am I going to wear ? What Color? Where are we going to eat? Blah . Blah . Blah . Well, I might not have the answers to all of your questions but I do have the answers to some of them .

For starters . .
If you or your date are EXTREMELY pale or closer to fair skin, it might be a better idea to wear
a darker color that would emphasize your skin tone.

Personally for Junior
prom I prefer shorter dresses,
it's not as serious
or as sophisticated as senior prom
and allows you to
still enjoy that "kid like" feeling.

Senior prom, GORGEOUS gowns with luminous colors
and tuxedo
ties to match. Try to split the price of a limo or party
bus to reduce
how much money comes out of YOUR pocket.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tears With A Melody

Miley Cyrus' debut to the "real" acting world was ignited when the tear jerker "The Last Song" hit theaters yesterday, March 31, 2010. At first I thought the movie was going to be a traditional bubble gum pop star movie with low budget acting and kid rated comedy. But moments into the movie Miley did not display her normal kid-friendly persona.
"I'd give it FOUR stars!"
She was edgy and rebellious, filled with resentment towards her father played by actor Greg Kinnear for divorcing her mother. Miley played the polar opposite of what we're use to seeing and she did a very good job at doing so. Her emotions were raw and her expressions were true. Now, I wont ruin the movie for those of you who want to go see this but I will say that you will be very well satisfied when you do exit the movie. Tears rolled from cheeks and laughs roared from my voice. Rollercoasters of up and down emotions kept my attention and my interest. Miley and her now boyfriend, Liam Hemsworth are a perfect match on camera and the true beauty of there relationship can be seen in scenes of intimacy and affection. However you view young Miley, she did wonders in this movie and I am definitely curious to see her future work.

Blazzzzzzzing , Now !

The heat has everyone ampd ! But how about you celebrate the heat with style.