Thursday, August 8, 2013

2 Years 2 Late?

It's been a very long time since I've used blogger, and that's my fault. Becoming acquainted with new blogging sites and other alternatives to social media, I slowly progressed away. But enough of that, I'm back and this time I'm not leaving. Recently, I was face to face with a life changing decision. Potentially, I was not going to be able to finish my education this year. In respect to that, there were roadblocks (called loans) on my road to collegiate success that were making it difficult to actually do much of anything. Between multiple prayers and phone calls to the Bursar office like clock-work, things began to luck up. From this experience, my grind has enhanced and all the little things that I used to pay attention to, don't even matter anymore. How I became so lost in an instant, I will never know. But how I recovered? I'll never forget. Writing is the only thing I know how to do, and how to do well. Realizing that I potentially wouldn't be able to do that anymore, ignited a feeling in me I haven't felt since my senior year of high school. That feeling is commonly known as ambition. And I pray to God, I never lose that feeling again. That's the same feeling that raised and nurtured my writing when no one and nothing else could. That feeling is the same feeling that made me promise myself to never sell short, let alone sell out. That feeling is the same feeling that created an infinite appetite for all things written and never told.

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